Ivy League Consulting™ seeks to support our international, FMP U.S. veterans with the most important need beyond saying, “thank you for your service.”
- Service-Connected Disability medical coding, including
- Itemization of provider (or prescription) services (claim reimbursements)
Ivy League Consulting™ is a team of Ivy League-educated, medical veteran consultants, dedicated to a medical coding and FMP “itemization memo” service that helps solve only FMP reimbursement issues for international U.S. veterans.
Solutions to FMP reimbursement issues are limited to specific “itemization memo” editing and VA/NDC medical coding for better FMP acceptance of the mandated, international U.S. Veteran’s “itemization of provider (or prescription) services” memo prior to the client assembling and emailing the four (4) item (minimum) submission to FMP for reimbursement.
Sometimes, the client has been in the hospital or accumulated multiple providers or prescriptions that generate more than a four (4) document email upload claim to FMP.
When the international U.S. Veteran has completed the three (3) initial tasks for each provider and/or prescription:
- Securing the .pdf scanned provider (prescription) invoice,
- Obtaining (and .pdf scanning) the provider consult (English-only) that briefly reviews the provider’s interaction with the veteran in 3-4 sentences, which includes the service-connected disability (prescription, if a prescription), and
- The identically-dated and signed FMP claim form (in .pdf), VA Form 10-7959f-2 (revised JUNE 2021, or later),
VA FMP CLAIM FORM vha-10-7959f-2 NEW – 6-2021
- “Like” IvyLeagueWorks on Facebook and then click “IvyLeagueConsulting” in the: “Contact Us” button.
- S. Potapenko and team at Ivy League Consulting™ will review that you have fully completed the three tasks and provided sufficient specific itemization or provider or prescription needs information required to edit and calculate a nominal fee. This ensures you have the materials needed to quickly assemble a cohesive reimbursement claim to email FMP.
- You can also reach us: HERE
Caveat: FMP claims are decided by and are the responsibility of the FMP.
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