Spanish Interpretation In YOUR Country!

IvyLeagueWorks™ does Spanish Interpretation!


Ivy League Translators™ offers in-person interpretation, NOW, to solve your unique needs and save YOU money.Translators1 - IN Your Country!

In-person, Spanish-English interpretation is offered in certain countries in both North and South America to support detailed needs such as touring and site-seeing, business negotiations, and community-relations activities.

So, be sure to ask!

And, for locations that need the next-best-thing, Skype chat solutions are as close as your cellphone!

IvyLeagueWorks™ does Spanish Interpretation!

NOW is the time to benefit from our service and contact us at Ivy League Translators™!  

Michelle O., Translator

Michelle Ortiz, Tagalog translatorI enjoy working with Ivy League Works™ because I am able to use my skills and knowledge as well as push myself in areas that I am unsure of myself. There’s always an educational in-service going on to keep each of our skills fresh and cutting edge.  These I enjoy most of all!

I also have the freedom to think outside the box and have all my thoughts considered. The fun blended into this team’s culture allows me to speak my mind…and everyone listens!

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