Spanish Interpretation In YOUR Country!

IvyLeagueWorks™ does Spanish Interpretation!


Ivy League Translators™ offers in-person interpretation, NOW, to solve your unique needs and save YOU money.Translators1 - IN Your Country!

In-person, Spanish-English interpretation is offered in certain countries in both North and South America to support detailed needs such as touring and site-seeing, business negotiations, and community-relations activities.

So, be sure to ask!

And, for locations that need the next-best-thing, Skype chat solutions are as close as your cellphone!

IvyLeagueWorks™ does Spanish Interpretation!

NOW is the time to benefit from our service and contact us at Ivy League Translators™!  

Marina G, CT

Lic. Marina GarciaI love being part of a unique company culture that focuses on making work productive by creating an environment of fun and excitement. Everyone is respected for their opinions!  Honesty is always the best policy.  No two people have the same work schedule so each task is aligned to best fit unique needs.  A strength mindset is central to everything we do and that means weaknesses allow others to make the team flourish. Exceeding the client’s expectations remains the goal. And, setbacks are considered lessons learned to improve the team going forward. That keeps attention off self and brings home each project to a successful outcome!   Each day is a new challenge, and we consider it an opportunity to learn and excel.

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