The IvyLeagueWorks™ niche-focused online division is our premier consulting service.
- Ivy League Consulting™ and Ivy League Writing™ , distinct services for international, FMP U.S. veterans, and
- Ivy League Translators™certified translator online services, limited to international, smaller corporate organizations that seek help with unique bilingual business transactions.

Here’s how IvyLeagueWorks™ can solve your unique need…
- Ivy League Consulting™ seeks to support our international, FMP U.S. veterans with the most important need beyond saying, “thank you for your service.”
1. Service-Connected Disability medical coding, including
2. Itemization of provider (or prescription) services (claim reimbursements)
Ivy League Consulting™ is a team of Ivy League-educated, medical veteran consultants, dedicated to a medical coding and FMP “itemization memo” service that helps solve only FMP reimbursement issues for international U.S. veterans.
Solutions to FMP reimbursement issues are limited to specific “itemization memo” editing and VA/NDC medical coding for better FMP acceptance of the mandated, international U.S. Veteran’s “itemization of provider (or prescription) services” memo prior to the client assembling and emailing the four (4) item (minimum) submission to FMP for reimbursement.
Ivy League Writing™ is dedicated to supporting international, U.S. veterans as they process their own claims or appeals with the VA by preparing diagnosis-associated medical literature reviews of medical standards literature.
If you are an international, FMP-registered U.S. veteran who already has a documented lawyer, U.S.-based VSO (Veteran Service Officer or claims agent who formally processes and files your original or appeal claim, and desire to use the services of Ivy League Writing™ (Prohibition against acting as claims agent or attorney, 1996), go to the Ivy League Writing™ page to review what the veteran must have prepared in advance to seek our services.
Ivy League Translators™ meets a growing demand for certified translator (CT) services by focusing on the niche group that needs it most: online business transactions for small, international corporations.
Small, rapidly growing Commercial organizations in the both the English and Spanish-speaking (bilingual) communities have discovered they need ONLINE, certified English–Spanish and Spanish-English translator (CT) services before their English-speaking or Spanish-speaking clients will complete many highly valued transactions.
Resolving critical contract disputes or engineering site misunderstandings quickly is essential. These small corporations find having a translator contractor available online can mean the difference between saving a contract or resolving a potentially disastrous construction misunderstanding with contracts for more business.
This very limited service has also attracted international FMP U.S.veterans.
Time is money.
Contact Ivy League Translators™ , click on “IvyLeagueWorks” today and start your ONLINE certified translator (CT) service at your small-to-middle sized international or bilingual organization.
For the latest information, go to Facebook and “like” IvyLeagueWorks™.
IvyLeagueWorks™ has the solution for your unique need!
Tell Ivy League Works™ by clicking the button: HERE.
Prohibition against acting as claims agent or attorney. (1996). Code of Federal Regulations Part 4, Chapter 59, section 5901.
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